JOB INTERVIEW TIPS-Why are you the best?
Posted 28th January 2020 • Written by People First • • •
Job Interview Tips-Why are you the best candidate for this position? Or Why Should We Offer the Job to You?
Another tough interview question! They’re all tough aren’t they?
This is an important one though.
It’s another opportunity for them to learn more about you and also to make sure you are the right fit for them and that you know what they and the job need.
Your answers need to be genuine and relevant to the employer.
Don’t talk about money, that this job has a higher salary and better benefits.
Don’t show you’re desperate for any job. Keep your focus on this job.
Don’t be vague and talk about being interested in this industry, talk instead about being interested in this company.
Here’s what to say:
Show them you have the skills and experience to do the job.
Examples, examples, examples – so many interview questions need real life examples from your life and career and this one is no exception. Show them your skills, qualities and experience that this job needs, the things that are necessary to solve the problems they have
Show you’ll fit the team and match the company culture.
From the website and job spec you can see what personal qualities they feel are vital for this job and you can base your answer on that (but be honest). This is important if you do not have much work experience to describe.
Show that you have the enthusiasm, interest and passion to do this job, not just the ability to do it.
Your CV lists your qualifications and awards but face to face you can really sell yourself to them, so let them know how keen you are on working with them.
And show that you’re passionate about the company too.
If you research the job spec fully and the company’s website, that extra bit of knowledge might be what makes you stand out as the candidate that has shown the most interest and done the most research. The employer wants someone who really wants to work there, not someone who is using it as a stepping stone to something else in 6 months’ time.
To summarise:
Show you’re the best fit – through examples.
Show how you can solve their problems – through your skills.
Show you’ve done your research – it shows your enthusiasm and interest.
Prepare – as with all questions think about it at home first and get your answer ready.
Be honest – don’t make your answer fit what you think they want to hear, or you might be offered a job you don’t really want to do!