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INTERVIEW TIPS - Five Insider Tips To Acing The Interview

Posted 16th August 2022 • Written by Jack Kelly on •

Charisma, Charm And The Likability Factor

Put yourself in the place of the interviewer or hiring manager. Would you prefer to hire someone who possesses all the right skills, but comes across as arrogant and hard to work with, or would you want a person who you resonate with and visualize having a great relationship; although, they’ll need some training and upskilling?

The key to successfully navigating the interview process is getting everyone involved to like and want to work with you. It's simple to do. Be present in the moment and actively listen to the interviewer. Use their name when you address the person, nod your head when they make a point you agree with, refrain from interrupting them while they’re speaking, maintain eye contact, smile and display relaxed body language.

Scheduling Interviews

Defer to the interviewer the days and times of the meeting. You want to demonstrate⁠—right from the start—that you are considerate. If the company asks for your availability, do not select early Monday mornings or late times on Friday, especially in the summertime.

While it may be a burden to meet their timeline, it's essential to show that you are a team player and want to make things easier for your new boss.

Negotiating Compensation

When human resources ask how much you are looking for, don’t say the number you want. Add a 10 to 20% premium to the salary you desire. When you provide a number, the HR person automatically thinks that you are shooting too high and will scale back the offer.

Check Into Your New Boss

Before you accept a job, conduct due diligence on the new boss, so that you won't be blindsided. You don’t want to resign, only to later find out that you made a major mistake once you start the new job. It is important to find a person who works at the company to gain insider information. If you don’t know anyone at the organization, tap into your network for assistance. If you have a large enough base, there will be a person who knows someone at your target company. Ask your recruiter what they know about the hiring manager. Google the person to see what comes up.

Master The Art Of Small Talk

Both the interviewer and interviewee are nervous. The hiring process is not a natural thing to do. In a video or in-person meeting, the interviewer fires off questions and you need to answer them on the fly intelligently. It could be a cold and clinical affair. The trick is to lighten up the mood. This could be done by effectively engaging in small talk.

Here’s an example of this type of banter. First, before the interview, check out the hiring manager’s social media footprint. Find some common ground. It could be that you both attended the same university, live in a nearby neighborhood or share an enthusiasm for a certain sports team.

The same holds true for building a bond through your mutual interests in TikTok, music, movies, television shows, Netflix series and other events.

It sounds banal, but chatting about the weather, the commute into the city or other noncontroversial matters that we all talk about takes away some of the stress on both sides of the video or table. The mission is to transform the interview from a stuffy, serious affair to a more relaxed and friendly conversation.

To read the original article click here

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