News Article

INTERVIEW TIPS - 10 Tips To Reduce Job Stress And Anxiety During A Job Interview

Posted 4th January 2024 • Written by Bryan Robinson, Ph.D. on •

10 Anxiety-Prevention Tips For Job Interviews
Resume Genius—the premier resource for job applicants—and Eva Chan have compiled a list of the top ten interview tips to help job seekers land a job in the New Year, tailored to assist at every interview stage from preparation to the follow-up.
  1. Research your target company.
  2. Learn as much as you can about the role you’re interviewing for.
  3. Use AI to rehearse answers to common interview questions.
  4. Practice for any required skills assessments.
  5. Deliver honest and positive answers.
  6. Pay attention to your body language.
  7. Discuss specific examples (and results) of your work.
  8. Take your time to respond.
  9. Prepare a list of questions for the interviewer.
  10. Follow up at an appropriate time.

A Two-Reminder Wrap Up

Chan reminds job seekers that preparation is your ally. In the face of interview anxiety, she recommends that you make yourself feel as prepared as possible before the interview, adding, “The era of social media offers a unique opportunity to understand a company inside and out. Do a deep dive into the company's online presence, including social media and professional platforms like LinkedIn. Get to know your interviewer's background and interests, as well. This level of preparation does more than just provide talking points; it’ll empower you with the confidence that comes from being well-informed.”

Chan also suggests that job seekers remember that the interview is an opportunity for both job applicant and the company to assess compatibility, advising, “Approach the interview as a conversation, not an interrogation, where both parties explore the potential of a mutually beneficial relationship. When you shift your mindset from being solely evaluated to also evaluating the potential employer, it diminishes anxiety and transforms the interview into a platform for mutual exploration.”

To read the original article click here

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