News Article

Celebrate our 25th anniversary!

Posted 11th January 2022 • Written by People First •

2022 marks a significant milestone in People First’s history, as we celebrate our 25th year and silver anniversary! Our story began in 1997 when we set up with only 3 members of staff and the ambition to offer the best recruitment service in our niche markets. Each of our specialist areas has grown significantly since then, and the People First family has grown significantly too, including an extended network of ex-employees who still keep in touch.  We’re proud that so many of our current team members have been with us since the early days and that we can boast one of the highest retention rates in the industry.

A heartfelt thanks to our clients and candidates who have helped us to grow from our humble beginnings: We have a way to go from our silver anniversary to our platinum anniversary which the queen will be celebrating this year, but we’ll get there, and in the meantime will enjoy the celebrations all year long!