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CAREER TIPS - How to make a great first impression when you on-board for that new job

Posted 14th July 2022 • Written by CHARLOTTE LEE on •

You got the job and it starts in two weeks. Now what?

Here are some simple suggestions that everyone can implement. They will help you successfully onboard to your new job and help the role be fulfilling to you and valuable for them. They will also build your brand and your networking prowess.



Read The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins. Speak with people who work or used to work at your new firm. Think about your last job: What could you have done better?



Put your 90-day plan together. Put an org chart together with as many boxes as you can. When you meet with each of these colleagues, put a check in their box and one or two items you learned about them.



Be “present” at all times. Do not look at your cellphone in front of others–always have it on silent. Check your presentation skills. How is your eye contact? Does your voice sound confident? Is your body language reassuring? Remember, it is not only what you are saying, but how you are saying it. Smile. Use people’s names.



Ask your manager for a list of team members with whom you should meet. Put a list of questions together to ask them. Make sure each question is tailored to their role and level.



Share small things about you that make you come across as vulnerable, authentic, and warm. Pets, vacations, family life, hobbies, interests, sports are all fine. Nothing controversial, please.



Be flexible. If it is not in your job spec, but it would be helpful to your manager and team, do step it up and try not to worry about strict lines. Be flexible about helping out and say yes. It will have a big payback down the road.



Remember to promote others when at work. When you receive accolades for a job well done, if there was anyone else involved, be sure to give them credit. On paper, in email, as well as verbally, like: “Thanks for your kudos. I could not have gotten his done without you.”



Don’t give up if something goes sideways. Push through. Ask for help and advice. People love to give advice. And know that tomorrow will be another day and probably a much better one.


Onboarding successfully into your new role sets you up for success long term. Remember, whatever did not go well last time does not matter. You are creating a new brand for yourself at this new job. You get to set the tone and develop the professional persona that you wish for and think will fit the culture of the new firm. Implementing strong onboarding strategies will get you noticed for the right things, help you get connected to the right internal team members, and get on better projects and/or promoted faster.

To read the original article click here

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